Our National Allergy Bureau certified counters help record accurate, daily pollen and mold counts.
Our National Allergy Bureau certified counters help record accurate, daily pollen and mold counts.
The Asthma & Allergy Center is Nebraska’s only site certified by the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology (AAAAI). We report a daily pollen count report available to media, the National Allergy Bureau, various research facilities, the general public and our patients. Located in Bellevue, Nebraska our pollen counts provide data for Bellevue, Papillion, and the entire Metro Omaha area.
The daily certified pollen count range is copyrighted property of The Asthma & Allergy Center. Reproducing, re-publishing, or publicly citing the pollen count range, either orally, writing, or otherwise, is prohibited unless credit is given to The Asthma & Allergy Center.
The Asthma & Allergy Center is proud to be Nebraska’s Only Counting Station certified by AAAAI
The range is determined based on the actual pollen count. The pollen count ranges are taken daily during the Spring, Summer and Fall. Our counter, Michelle, has over 10 years of experience and certification in counting pollen and mold. Our featured pollen counting equipment is the Burkhard counter which uses air samplings to capture air-borne pollens and molds. We also feature a Rotorod which capture pollen and fungal spores by use of it’s rapidly spinning silicone rods. Both units are located on top of Bellevue Medical Center, Highway 370 & South 25th Street. Our thanks to the Bellevue Medical Center and staff for their continued efforts to assist us in this endeavor. Once NAB certified, a station must collect samples a minimum of three days per week using either a Burkard volumetric spore trap, a Kramer-Collins sampler or a Rotorod sampler. The sampler must be situated on an unobstructed rooftop at least one story above ground with no local pollen and/or mold spore sources.
Our pollen and mold count ranges can be used as a general guide. Weather can greatly affect both pollen and mold counts. Air temperature, wind speed, and humidity all affect how much pollen and mold is airborne at a particular moment.
Patients should see no symptoms
Individuals extremely sensitive to the pollens and molds may experience symptoms
Individuals extremely sensitive to the pollens and molds may experience symptoms
Individuals extremely sensitive to the pollens and molds may experience symptom
Almost all individuals with sensitivity to any pollen or molds will experience symptoms