Signs for Staying Home from School or Work

  • Respiratory infection such as sore throat or swollen, painful neck glands.
  • Fever over 100 ?  F orally or 101 ?  F rectally; face hot and flushed.
  • Wheezing or coughing which continues or does not get better one hour after taking medication (5-10 minutes after using sprays).
  • Weakness or tiredness that makes it hard to take part in usual daily activities.
  • Breathing with difficulty.
  • Peak flow is below 80% of personal best and is not responding to treatment.

Signs for Going to School or Work

  • Stuffy nose, but no wheezing or coughing.
  • A little wheezing or coughing which goes away after taking medicine.
  • Able to do usual daily activities.
  • No extra effort needed to breathe.
  • Peak flow score in the green zone before or after taking morning medications.
  • When awaken by asthma the night before and the peak flow meter reading is in the red zone.

Knowing When to See Your Asthma & Allergy Center Doctor

You and your Asthma & Allergy Center doctor should develop a regular schedule for office visits, one that fits your specific treatment plan.  These visits will help both of you to monitor your asthma and make changes in your plan as needed.

Unfortunately, there will be times when seeing your Asthma & Allergy Center doctor is more urgent.  Ask your doctor for guidelines on when it is important to call.  In addition to the guidelines listed below, he or she may have other times when they want you to call.  You should follow your Asthma & Allergy Center doctor’s advice and see him/her as soon as possible if:
  1. Your asthma symptoms are occurring more often or seem worse than usual.
  2. You are taking your medicine more often to control your symptoms
  3. A medicine does not seem to be helping or is making you feel worse.
  4. Your living arrangements change.

In addition, seek help immediately if any of the following symptoms appear:

  1. Your asthma keeps getting worse even after taking your medications and following your action plan.
  2. Your peak flow meter reading falls into the Red Zone.
  3. Your lips or fingernails turn blue.
  4. Your breathing is rapid and all your attention is focused on breathing.

Remember:  If you are in doubt, contact your  Asthma & Allergy Center  doctor.  Your  health is nothing with which to play around.
Adapted from a national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Publication:  A Guide for Helping Children with Asthma.

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