What is Hay Fever? What are the symptoms and signs?

















  • A small amount of the suspected allergy substance is placed on the skin.
  • The skin is then gently scratched through the small drop with a special sterile needle.  This is known as the prick-puncture method and is typically used for initial evaluations.  A second method, known as the intradermal method, involves injection of a small amount of the test subtance into the skin.  Intradermal testing is more sensitive but also tends to lead to more false-positive results.
  • If the skin reddens and, more importantly, swells, then an individual is said to be “sensitized” to the particular allergen. If typical symptoms occur when a sensitized individual is exposed to the suspected substance, then allergy to that substance is probable.
  • The skin testing described is tolerated by the youngest of patients and should be the standard of testing.
  • Skin testing is not indicated for people who are at risk of a severe (anaphylactic) allergic reaction, who have certain skin conditions, or who are taking certain medications.











  • Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis) is common.
  • Allergy symptoms mimic chronic colds.
  • Allergic rhinitis can lead to other diseases.
  • The best way to treat an allergy is to identify the allergic substance and avoid it.
  • Effective treatment is available in many forms.


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